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How to switch to full screen when using multiple monitors

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Multi-monitor support | Citrix Workspace app for Windows


At Menark Technologies we understand how important it is to work from anywhere. We specialize in supporting Citrix environments for our Philadelphia clients. Why not make use of a team that not only knows how to fix Citrix issues but also builds and manages environments that scale.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation with our Citrix support engineers. Thanks to our friends at Mathe , a Citrix partner for their help with the information in this article. Every step in the Menark process has been developed by our team with the productivity, profit, and growth of your organization in mind. Many IT consulting companies across the MidAtlantic are still telling clients that the cloud is a fad and they shouldn't move their organization's IT to the cloud.

While you consider your decision, check out some of our most recent technology articles. In this article, Menark Technologies will share how this can be done. Written by Scott Clarke. What is Citrix Workspace? Benefits of Using Citrix Workspace Citrix Workspace provides a secure way to access your everyday tools and SaaS applications while working outside of the office.

Secure Sensitive Data As technology becomes more advanced, so do hackers. Promotes Collaboration Consistent communication allows your employees to brainstorm, problem-solve, share feedback, and work together to accomplish great things for your business.

Save on Hardware Costs As with any virtual solution, Citrix Workspace provides sustainability and cost-efficiency for your business. Further reading. Scott Clarke. Doing so creates a secondary window with a x resolution. It also updates the server with the dual monitor information. You can drag and resize the secondary window and even go to full-screen mode on one or both monitors. Every time you resize the window, the secondary window resolution is updated on the server.

To exit multi-monitor mode, close the secondary window. Even though the resolution details of the secondary monitor are unknown to Citrix Workspace, multi-monitor mode gives you the flexibility of resizing to adjust to the resolution. To disable the feature, edit the configuration. Citrix Workspace app for HTML5 improves the overall performance and stability of sessions in multi-monitor scenarios. In earlier versions, when a session was running on many monitors, you experienced sluggish performance.

On a Mac machine, the secondary window opens as a new tab in Chrome. When you drag this secondary window to the secondary monitor and resize it, the window might become invisible with an entry that is shown in the Chrome taskbar. Workaround : Drag the window to the primary monitor and then back to the secondary monitor. Previously, the multi-monitor display feature allowed you to open an extra browser tab of the desktop or app session that you were connected to.

You could then drag the additional browser tab to the external monitor. If there are no external monitors attached to the device, the multi-monitor icon on the in-session toolbar is hidden. This feature is enabled by default. When you disable the feature, you continue to see the old behavior where an extra browser tab of the desktop or the app session appears when you click the multi-monitor icon. You can use your virtual desktop in full-screen mode across a subset of available monitors.

You can drag your virtual desktop to span to two monitors out of more than two and then select multi-monitor mode. A typical use case for this scenario is:. As a first-time user, when you start a session, the following pop-up appears seeking your permission to use the multi-monitor setup.

The pop-up appears from the browser to seek permission to use multiple monitors. Click Okay. Navigate to the browser settings and select Always allow pop-ups. On your primary monitor, click the multi-monitor icon.

If you deny multi-monitor permissions, the multi-monitor icon do not appear. Instead, the full-screen icon appears in the toolbar, which takes you to the older behaviour. If an issue occurs with Citrix Workspace app in production, we can disable an affected feature dynamically in Citrix Workspace app even after the feature is shipped.

To do so, we use feature flags and a third-party service called LaunchDarkly. You do not need to make any configurations to enable traffic to LaunchDarkly, except when you have a firewall or proxy blocking outbound traffic. In the interim, LaunchDarkly can be used to turn on or off a feature for a specific customer based on their store URLs.

You can use this list to verify that your firewall configurations are updated automatically in keeping with the infrastructure updates. For details about the status of the infrastructure changes, see the LaunchDarkly Status page. On the cloud setup, administrators can disable the LaunchDarkly service by setting the enableLaunchDarkly attribute to false in the Global App Configuration Service.

For more information, see Global App Configuration Service documentation. Add the enableLaunchDarkly attribute and set the attribute to false. By default, the LaunchDarkly service is enabled if the enableLaunchDarkly attribute is not present. The captureAllKeys attribute defaults to true.

To change the default settings, open the configuration. This release adds support for the following key combinations with the Microsoft Windows logo key in your sessions that runs on Microsoft Windows. The shortcut keys work only in full-screen mode selected through the toolbar. For more information, see Keyboard shortcuts. This feature supports redirection of two USB devices simultaneously.

For more information, see Enabling USB redirection on the server. Select devices to be redirected and then click Connect. When you try to redirect a USB device that is not supported by Citrix Workspace app, the following error message appears.

If you launch more than one session, USB devices that are connected inside a different session show as Already in use. Click Transfer here to transfer the devices to the current session. When you redirect more than one USB device to a session, click Release all devices to remove the devices from the session.

When you disconnect a redirected USB device from the machine without clicking Release , the following error message appears. The USB device redirection feature is applicable only to USB devices, where the client operating systems such as, macOS and Chrome do not load the device drivers by default. By default, the USB device redirection feature is enabled on the client if the USB device redirection policy is enabled on the server.

To disable it, edit the configuration. This setting is applicable to the StoreFront. The configuration. When you click the padlock icon, the browser tab shows the Secure Connection dialog box. You can see the USB devices for which the browser tab has received user permission. Those devices can be used inside a remote session.

If you want to revoke access permissions granted to the browser tab, click the x icon next to the USB device. As a result, the Reload button appears. If you click Reload , the session closes. Relaunch the session for the changes to take effect. The USB device redirection feature is not applicable to some USB devices for which the client operating system such as, Windows, loads the device drivers by default.

But, you can connect Type A devices through a Type C connector. As an administrator, you can specify the duration of overlay sessions by using the resizeOverlayDuration value in the configuration.

The value defaults to 3, milliseconds. You can set it in a range of 0 through 3, The onResize events are generated when you resize a session.

The DPI scaling feature is disabled by default for app and desktop sessions. The correct resolution is set on the VDA. This enhancement ensures that you have a consistent browsing experience across browsers. By default, the custom cursor is enabled.

Open the configuration. Citrix handles your data following the terms of your contract with Citrix, and protects it as specified in the Citrix Services Security Exhibit available on the Citrix Trust Center.

If Desktop launched in full screen mode on single monitor, click the down arrow and select "Window" button on the Desktop Viewer. Place the Citrix Desktop Window spanning on across the monitors.

Click the down arrow and select "Full Screen" button on the Desktop Viewer menu bar 5. Your Virtual Desktop will refresh and will be expanded to both screens. Was this page helpful? Thank you! Sorry to hear that.

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Citrix workspace use two monitors

  Citrix Receiver (also known as Citrix Workspace) enables users to securely shares a common computer interface with multiple monitors. By using. Your Citrix screen will become a smaller window. Drag the Citrix desktop session window so that it spans across both of your screens. (To do. You can use up to eight monitors with Citrix Workspace app for monitor in a multiple monitor configuration has its own.    


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